Bringing Up Babymort
Fic & Art Rec Creator: groot, mywitch Rating: K+/PG Word Count: 9,943 Summary: Severus Snape longs to be a father. Be careful what you wish for! Characters: Hermione Granger, Severus Snape Pairing(s): Hermione/Severus Why You Should Check It Out: This wickedly funny collaboration between writer and artist takes a familiar HP trope and sprints with […]
Slumming with the Staff
Fic & Art Rec Creator: mywitch Rating: MA/NC-17 Summary: It’s Christmas week 1992 and Gilderoy Lockhart was easily coaxed to share with us his journal. I’ve included some drawings as well, to clarify things. Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Filius Flitwick, Gilderoy Lockhart, Minerva McGonagall, Pomona Sprout, Rosmerta, Severus Snape, Sybill Trelawney Why You Should Check It […]
The Headmaster’s Closet
Fic & Art Rec Creator: cabepfir Rating: K+/PG Warning(s): I do not necessarily share Professor Snape’s opinions. Word Count: 342 Summary: Professor Snape owns everything he needs. Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Original Character, Severus Snape Why You Should Check It Out: Cabepfir compares and contrasts the distinctly different styles of two headmasters, and brings a bit […]
The Gift
Fic & Art Rec Creator: sigune Rating: K+/PG Word Count: 168 Summary: The year is 1993, and the presence of one Mr Remus Lupin at Hogwarts means that this isn’t the Potions Master’s favourite Christmas ever. Maybe, just maybe, Minerva McGonagall can lift his gloom. Characters: Severus Snape Why You Should Check It Out: I […]
February 2021 Recs

This month, a mix of new and older fic and art featuring Minerva and her colleagues.
HoggyWarty Xmas 2021 Goodness

Along with tinsel and latkes and eggnog, the holiday season brings with it other good things, including the best party of the year: the fabulous HoggyWartyXmas on LiveJournal.
January 2021 Recs

A new year, new (to me) Harry Potter fic and art.