Setting the Tone

Creator: sc010f
Rating: MA/NC-17
Word Count: 737

The first staff meeting always has interesting implications for the rest of the year. Written for the Ptterpr0nprmpts challenge: teachers. WARNING: there is nothing but PWP in here. Don't look for plot. It's not there.

Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape
Pairing(s): Minerva/Severus
Why You Should Check It Out:

After a no good, very bad, rotten work day, what could be better than a bit of McSnape pron? Nothing, sez I! It's a very short piece, so I won't spoil any of it by giving you an excerpt, but I will say that anything written in the first-person from Snape's POV is going to get my attention, especially if it involves my favorite Transfiguration mistress and some transgressive moments in Albus Dumbledore's chair.

Spoiler Alert!

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