Silhouette of witch with tall hat and cape on broomstick. Banner underneath reads: "Squibstress"

Minerva McGonagall, TrD, RAn

Date of Birth: 4 October 1925


Doctor of Magical Arts & Sciences, Transfiguration

Mallory College, Oxford, 1950–1953

Dissertation title: “Structural, thermodynamic, and kinetic changes in organic molecules in the interspecies-Transfigured mammal.” Doctoral supervisor: Master Griselda G. Marchbanks, TrD.

Master of Transfiguration

Mallory College, Oxford, 1949–1950, Tutors: Master Amfortas Monsouri, TrD.

Auror Training Programme

Ministry of Magic, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, 1944–1947

Animagus Training

Tutor: Master Flavius Falco, RAn, 1944–1945

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry

Outstanding N.E.W.T.s achieved:

  • Ancient Runes
  • Arithmancy
  • Astronomy
  • Charms
  • Defence Against the Dark Arts
  • Herbology
  • History of Magic
  • Potions
  • Transfiguration


  • Licenced Practitioner, Unforgiveable Curses – 1947–1949
  • Basic Magical Life Support – 1945–present
  • Registered Animagus – 1945–present
  • Trans-Channel Apparition – 1945–present
  • Thaumaturgic First Aid – 1944–present
  • Intra-continental Apparition – 1944–present
  • Apparition – 1943–present


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Instructor, Advanced Concepts in Theoretical Transfiguration

Mallory College, Oxford, 1953–present

Postdoctoral student supervised: Ophélie. E. Delousie (TrD, Oxford), 1953–1955

Animagus Instructor

Student supervised: Alphard T. Black (RAn), 1950–1952


  • Fellow, European Society of Transfiguration Masters
  • Fellow, Societas Europae Animagorum
  • Member, Cumann Stair na hAlban Draíochta
  • Member, Magical Philosophy Society of Great Britain


  • Merlin Prize, Oxford, 1954
  • British Witches’ Colloquium Graduate Research Fellowship, 1951–1952
  • National Young Magical Scientist Foundation Award, 1951
  • Outstanding Paper in Undergraduate Transfiguration, Oxford, 1950
  • Medal for Magical Merit, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 1944


  • Maeve Address, Irish Magical Arts Institute, 1955
  • Cours Martin de Pasqually, Ordre des Chevaliers Magiques, Paris-Sorbonnes, 1954


  • Marchbanks, G. G., McGonagall, M. S., (1956). Cell membrane permeability in the inorganic-to-organic Transfigured mammal. Transfiguration Today. 32(6), 125–28.
  • McGonagall, M. S., Patil, S. S., (1955). The aerobic glycolysis of mammalian red blood cells in physiological Transfigurations. European Journal of Biological Transfiguration. 17(5), 68–73.
  • McGonagall, M. S., Mansouri, A. F., Delousie, O. E., (1954). Pyruvate oxidation in the mammalian brain: nature, specificity and course of oxidation catalysed subsequent to interspecies Transfiguration. Acta Transfigurationum Biologica, 25(4), 34–39.
  • Patil, S. S., McGonagall, M. S., (1952). Carbon dioxide as a facilitating agent in the initiation and growth of bubbles in interspecies Transfiguration of vertebrates. European Journal of Biological Transfiguration, 12(2), 163–78.
  • Mansouri, A. F., McGonagall, M. S., (1952).The pyruvate metabolism of mammalian foetal cells during interspecies Transfiguration. Cellular Transfiguration, 13(5), 672–90.
  • Mansouri, A. F., McGonagall, M. S., (1951). Protein metabolism and exchange as influenced by constriction of coronary arteries; effects of repeated long-distance Apparition on a 47-year-old wizard. Transfiguration Today, 27(3), 377–84.


  • McGonagall, M. S. and Franklin, R. E., “At the Crossroads: The Interaction of Magical and Muggle Science in the 20th Century” in: A Common Destiny: The Future of Magical and Muggle Relations, ed. T. D. McGonagall. (London: Diagon Press, 1955), 467–490.
  • McGonagall, M. S. and Skeeter, L. G., “The female experience: on being polyoestrus” Issues in Mammalian Transformation, 5(6. Serial No. 12).


My research programme focuses on identifying and characterising cellular and molecular changes in Transfigured beings, with particular focus on interspecies Transfiguration.

With my co-investigators, I am empirically applying a multilevel, multidimensional conceptual model to understand the potential applications of Muggle-developed technology in the investigation of cellular and molecular effects of magical events and phenomena.

I am interested in the ethical considerations in Transfigurative science, particularly as they pertain to organic-to-inorganic Transfiguration and its application in magical law enforcement.

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